27552 ORLANDO Ave.Glen Eden$286,000Property Tax (2021): $8,379.14Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.93%Buyer: Prakash Ravina and Chandra Sharina (and others)Seller: Ravina Prakash
27694 CORONADO Way.Glen Eden$840,000Property Tax (2021): $8,088.62Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.96%Buyer: Delacruz Julie A.Seller: Julie A. Delacruz
67 TRESTLE Dr.$660,000Property Tax (2021): $4,971.84Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.75%Buyer: Foster Keith K. and Maricicfostersenka (trustees)Seller: Keith K. Foster (trustee)
22831 CORKWOOD St.Longwood-Winton Grove$675,000Property Tax (2021): $2,686.72Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.4%Buyer: Hamilton Ira N Jr. and Christine J. (trustees)Seller: Ira N. Hamilton Jr. (trustee)
29090 COLONY Ct.Tennyson-Alquire$1,060,000Property Tax (2021): $4,177.8Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.39%Buyer: Kumar Yogesh and Asha L. (trustees)Seller: Yogesh Kumar (trustee)
26517 SUNVALE Ct.$598,000Property Tax (2021): $2,235.8Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.37%Buyer: Hayo Santiago G. (trustee)Seller: FE Fatima Hayo Suico (trustee)
22226 PERALTA St.North Hayward$744,000Property Tax (2021): $4,285.42Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.58%Buyer: Bisi Brian and Silva PauletteSeller: Brian Bisi
24995 KAY Ave.Southgate$750,000Property Tax (2021): $4,110.96Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.55%Buyer: Delarocha Michael A. (trustee)Seller: Michael A. Delarocha (trustee)
27878 CALAROGA Ave.Glen Eden$500,000Property Tax (2021): $5,133.26Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.03%Buyer: Hayward Buddhist CenterSeller: Hayward Buddhist Center
27866 CALAROGA Ave.Glen Eden$600,000Property Tax (2021): $4,249.26Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.71%Buyer: Hayward Buddhist CenterSeller: Hayward Buddhist Center
24375 SILVA Ave.Jackson Triangle$640,000Property Tax (2021): $2,911.18Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.45%Buyer: Vargas Marta R. and Roderick J.Seller: Martha R. Vargas
27730 PENSACOLA Way.Tennyson-Alquire$685,000Property Tax (2021): $5,419.7Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.79%Buyer: Wu Sandy C.Seller: Sandy Chun Shan Wu
637 LEBANON St.Longwood-Winton Grove$870,000Property Tax (2021): $6,881.88Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.79%Buyer: Kitagawa Raymond and Tomas (and others)Seller: Raymond Kitagawa
27450 HEMLOCK RANCH Rd.Whitman-Mocine$1,055,000Property Tax (2021): $10,433.8Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.99%Buyer: Anderson Olivia and Brian D.Seller: Olivia Anderson