Organization Directory
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Alameda Community Learning Center
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 03/06/22 - Alameda Unified School District has a total attendance of 10,457 students during 2020-2021 school year
Alameda County Community
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 07/21/22 - Out of 105 students in Alameda County Community School, 30.5 percent were in 10th-grade during 2020-2021 school year
Alameda County Juvenile Hall/Court
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 03/09/22 - Alameda County Office of Education has a total attendance of 3,842 students during 2020-2021 school year
Alameda County Special Education
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Specialized Education
Most recent 03/09/22 - Alameda County Office of Education ranks 14th in attendance within Alameda County with 3,958 students during 2020-2021 school year
Alameda High School
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 12/27/24 - Which former Central Alameda News area high school standouts will be in action in the week starting Monday, Dec. 30?
Alternative Learning Academy At Conley-Caraballo High School
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 07/31/22 - Out of nine students in Alternative Learning Academy at Conley-Caraballo High School, four were in 12th-grade during 2020-2021 school year
Arroyo High School
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 03/06/22 - San Lorenzo Unified School District ranks ninth in attendance within Alameda County with 10,501 students during 2020-2021 school year
Brenkwitz High School
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 03/02/22 - Hayward Unified School District ranks third in attendance within Alameda County with 21,539 students during 2020-2021 school year
Castro Valley High School
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 03/07/22 - Castro Valley Unified School District ranks 11th in attendance within Alameda County with 9,190 students during 2020-2021 school year
Community Day High
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 08/01/22 - Out of 19 students in Community Day High School, two were in 12th-grade during 2020-2021 school year
Conservatory of Vocal/Instrumental Arts High
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Charter Schools
Most recent 07/17/22 - Out of 55 students in Conservatory of Vocal/Instrumental Arts High School, 20 percent were in 11th-grade during 2020-2021 school year
Core Learning Academy At Conley-Caraballo High School
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 07/31/22 - Out of 124 students in Core Learning Academy at Conley-Caraballo High School, 69.4 percent were in 12th-grade during 2020-2021 school year
East Bay Arts High School
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 07/29/22 - Out of 155 students in East Bay Arts High School, 29 percent were in 12th-grade during 2020-2021 school year
Encinal High School
Schools- Pre-K -12 | Public High Schools
Most recent 05/15/24 - Andy Truong, former Encinal High School baseball player will compete with his collegiate team for the NCAA D2 Baseball Championship