4929 Shelton St.Dublin$2,056,000Property Tax: $10,935.56Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.53%Buyer: Liu Weimin and Chen Haoqing (trustees)Seller: Wei Min Liu (trustee)
5414 Farina LaneBrookvale, Fremont$183,500Property Tax: $1,361.04Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.74%Buyer: Perry Gail L.Seller: Roger A. Admr Brown Jr.
4916 Cochrane Ave.Northwest Hills, Oakland$1,800,000Property Tax: $25,224.88Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.4%Buyer: Boynton Jason and Johnson KateSeller: Jason Boynton
24962 Silverthorne PlaceJackson Triangle, Hayward$1,039,000Property Tax: $7,328.52Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.71%Buyer: Leung Yiu C. (and others)Seller: Yiu Chung Leung
4845 Scotia St.West Union City, Union City$1,555,000Property Tax: $7,266.7Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.47%Buyer: White Plains Investments LLCSeller: White Plains Investments
1926 107th Ave.Elmhurst, Oakland$750,000Property Tax: $2,239.38Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.3%Buyer: Winn Iris K. (trustee)Seller: Iris K Winn
3711 Allendale Ave.Fruitvale, Oakland$405,000Property Tax: $2,035.66Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.5%Buyer: Young Floyd T. and Valli J.Seller: Vallie Joan Young
1382 Viaduct Di SalernoRuby Hill, Pleasanton$5,125,000Property Tax: $28,817.82Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.56%Buyer: Losey Laura P. and Matthew W.Seller: Laura P. Losey
1136 28th St.San Antonio, Oakland$700,000Property Tax: $4,477.98Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.64%Buyer: Thomas James Heirs of (estate)Seller: James Thomas (estate)
2044 Encinal Ave.Bronze Coast, Alameda$860,000Property Tax: $1,916.58Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.22%Buyer: Oconnell D J., Dawdy Daniel C. and Melissa D. (trustee) (trustees)Seller: Daniel C. Dawdy (trustee)
712 Longridge RoadLower Hills, Oakland$2,500,000Property Tax: $2,772.48Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.11%Buyer: SPS Properties LLCSeller: SPS Properties LLC
455 Crescent St.Lower Hills, Oakland$225,000Property Tax: $2,642.43Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.17%Buyer: Lau EugeneSeller: Eugene Lau
932 Arlington Ave.North Oakland, Oakland$785,000Property Tax: $12,619.08Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.61%Buyer: Spaulding Bahiya A. (trustee)Seller: Bahiya A. Spaulding (trustee)
95 Wenatchee Common 13Warm Springs, Fremont$730,000Property Tax: $9,257.22Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.27%Buyer: Yan ShiSeller: Shi Yan
1080 Apache St.North Livermore, Livermore$1,080,000Property Tax: $8,153.98Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.75%Buyer: Freitas Amy N. (trustee)Seller: Amy Nelson Freitas (trustee)
35096 Donegal CourtThe Lake, Newark$1,935,000Property Tax: $8,705.3Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.45%Buyer: Pedroza Raymundo and AdrianaSeller: Raymundo Pedroza
4247 Dunsmuir Ave.Lower Hills, Oakland$1,050,000Property Tax: $1,817.12Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.17%Buyer: McNair Barbara E. (trustee)Seller: McNair Family Trust
1015 70th Ave.Central East, Oakland$280,000Property Tax: $5,714.54Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.04%Buyer: Bakare Salimat O.Seller: Salimat O Bakare
18028 Silverado RoadSouth San Lorenzo, San Lorenzo$660,000Property Tax: $6,265Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.95%Buyer: Morehouse Homes Inc.Seller: Morehouse Homes Inc.
2721 10th St.Fruitvale, Oakland$500,000Property Tax: $2,850Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.57%Buyer: Zendejas Rigoberto and BerthaSeller: Bertha Zendejas
136 Pontiac St.North San Leandro, San Leandro$760,000Property Tax: $9,615.56Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.27%Buyer: Renowitzky AndrewSeller: Andrew Renowitzky
2038 Boca Raton St.Southgate, Hayward$975,000Property Tax: $4,344.5Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.45%Buyer: Abarsosa Marjorie and Gatchalian Ralph (and others)Seller: Marjorie Abarsosa
1130 61st Ave.Central East, Oakland$40,000Property Tax: $2,054.46Effective Property Tax Rate: 5.14%Buyer: MEM3 Properties & Motwani Manit LLCSeller: Manit Motwani
3227 Fernside Blvd.Fernside, Alameda$1,500,000Property Tax: $9,300.08Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.62%Buyer: Musso Donald F. and Dani C. (trustees)Seller: Dani C. Musso (trustee)
2740 Garber St.Elmwood, Berkeley$1,100,000Property Tax: $4,090.32Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.37%Buyer: Whipperman Bruce and Leywhipperman Gunthilde (trustees)Seller: Bruce Whipperman (trustee)
1675 70th Ave.Central East, Oakland$320,000Property Tax: $2,451.51Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.77%Buyer: Kyb Homes LLCSeller: Kyb Homes LLC
7641 Ney Ave.Elmhurst, Oakland$594,000Property Tax: $3,515.42Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.59%Buyer: Gutierrez Cristina M. and Andrade AurelioSeller: Cristina Maria Gutierrez
6211 Viewcrest DriveCaballo Hills, Oakland$1,525,000Property Tax: $18,580.04Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.22%Buyer: Gutterman Alan and Kathleen (trustees)Seller: Alan Gutterman (trustee)
2917 Otis St. ASouth Berkeley, Berkeley$1,220,000Property Tax: $3,399.52Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.28%Buyer: Zhang ShuSeller: Shu Zhang
2693 79th Ave.Elmhurst, Oakland$175,000Property Tax: $3,964.94Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.27%Buyer: Aquino Michael and Biton Ceferino Jr.Seller: Michael Aquino
5872 Beaudry St.North of Powell, Emeryville$675,000Property Tax: $9,161.16Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.36%Buyer: Hall Wannetta and Finau Taniela T. (and others)Seller: Ty Investment LLC
1950 Auseon Ave.Elmhurst, Oakland$372,500Property Tax: $3,541.04Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.95%Buyer: Ching Carol S. (trustee)Seller: Carol S. F. Ching (trust)
261 Centre CourtBay Farm Island, Alameda$775,000Property Tax: $9,782.92Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.26%Buyer: Gerin Sergio (trustee)Seller: Sergio Genn (trust)
2228 Seventh Ave.San Antonio, Oakland$1,065,000Property Tax: $3,459.66Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.32%Buyer: Fan ChikouSeller: Chi Kou Fan
700 Fargo Ave. 7West San Leandro, San Leandro$490,000Property Tax: $5,889.06Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.2%Buyer: Irizarry Angela V.Seller: Angela V Irizarry
284 Alvarado RoadWest Oakland, Oakland$3,500,000Property Tax: $2,460.98Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.07%Buyer: Parlett Beresford N. (trustee)Seller: Tia M. Small (trustee)
5164 Charlotte WaySunset, Livermore$1,400,500Property Tax: $11,497.86Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.82%Buyer: Elliott Aaron and Kopinec Lauren (trustees)Seller: Aaron Elliott (trustee)
5261 Springdale Ave.West Pleasanton, Pleasanton$642,000Property Tax: $3,351.24Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.52%Buyer: Hobson Kenneth R. Heirs of & Yglesia Judit (estate) (and others)Seller: Jeffrey Admr Trischan
2515 High St.Fruitvale, Oakland$460,000Property Tax: $5,470.46Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.19%Buyer: Mozon Herbert C. (trustee)Seller: Herbert C. Mozon (trustee)
1644 San Pablo Ave. 4Berkeley$320,000Property Tax: $5,947.44Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.86%Buyer: Evans Phillip F II and Feldmann Paul J. (trustees)Seller: Phillip Frank T. Evans II
392 Trenton CircleSouth Pleasanton, Pleasanton$1,550,000Property Tax: $10,818.8Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.7%Buyer: Phillips Geoffrey D. and Lindsay H.Seller: Geoffrey D Phillips
3836 Lyman RoadNorthwest Hills, Oakland$1,507,000Property Tax: $18,476.72Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.23%Buyer: Zacharias Joel P.Seller: Joel Peter Yoo Zacharias
38318 Birch St.South Newark, Newark$1,800,000Property Tax: $9,176.42Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.51%Buyer: Pencovic Larry J. and Tina M. (trustees)Seller: Tina Mane Pencovic (trustee)
3036 Frye St.Lower Hills, Oakland$1,150,000Property Tax: $8,951.7Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.78%Buyer: Keaough Carol J. and Trombly JeanneSeller: Carol J Keaough
670 Vernon St. 403Lower Hills, Oakland$600,000Property Tax: $2,595.74Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.43%Buyer: Meu Linda S. (trustee)Seller: Linda S. Meu (trustee)
39931 Cedar Blvd. 113South Newark, Newark$578,000Property Tax: $3,772.5Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.65%Buyer: Sinha RishiSeller: Rishi Sinha
3686 Carrigan CommonSunset, Livermore$640,000Property Tax: $2,567.24Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.4%Buyer: Johnson Gaylen L. (trustee)Seller: Kendra Lehr (trustee)
4144 Tamayo St.Cabrillo, Fremont$1,750,000Property Tax: $1,489Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.09%Buyer: Crawford Samuel L. and Margaret I. (trustees)Seller: Samuel L. Crawford (trustee)
455 Crescent St.Lower Hills, Oakland$240,000Property Tax: $6,632.08Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.76%Buyer: Maher Richard J.Seller: Richard J. Maher
3833 Yorkshire St.West San Leandro, San Leandro$540,000Property Tax: $5,942.96Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.1%Buyer: Oswald Ryan and Cordes GermaineSeller: Ryan Oswald
13756 Schooner RoadWest San Leandro, San Leandro$633,000Property Tax: $6,234.02Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.98%Buyer: Megan V. Admr PriceSeller: Megan Veronica Price (estate administrator)
2011 89th Ave.Elmhurst, Oakland$370,000Property Tax: $3,376.66Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.91%Buyer: Amos Nathaniel Jr. and Cook Venette (trustees)Seller: Nathaniel Amos Jr. (trustee)
2366 Virginia St.Berkeley$3,000,000Property Tax: $7,725.68Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.26%Buyer: Yeung Alex W. and Kim Jason Euijib (and others)Seller: Alex Wai Yeung
8159 Peachtree Ave.North Newark, Newark$1,200,000Property Tax: $1,918.16Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.16%Buyer: Brew Cassandra L.Seller: Cassandra L Brew
9646 Empire RoadElmhurst, Oakland$585,000Property Tax: $4,826.45Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.83%Buyer: Huynh Hung B.Seller: Hung B Huynh
1339 Fairbrook CourtSpringtown, Livermore$1,630,000Property Tax: $7,795.52Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.48%Buyer: Stepien Dawn M. and Carrigan Kendall R. (trustees)Seller: Dawn M. Stepien (trustee)
2131 Grackle CourtCentral Union City, Union City$1,469,000Property Tax: $5,239.4Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.36%Buyer: Catamount Properties 2018 LLCSeller: Catamount Properties 201
35515 Farnham DriveThe Lake, Newark$1,650,000Property Tax: $9,154.9Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.55%Buyer: Chan Kong L. and Wong Shuk Y.Seller: Kong Lung Samuel Chan
461 66th St.North Oakland, Oakland$484,500Property Tax: $2,559.42Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.53%Buyer: Rodarmor WilliamSeller: William Rodarmor
116 Hunter Ave.Elmhurst, Oakland$600,000Property Tax: $1,574.66Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.26%Buyer: Cruzado Zenaida R. and Rivera Caroline L.Seller: Zenaida R Cruzado
1444 52nd Ave.Central East, Oakland$600,000Property Tax: $13,810.88Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.3%Buyer: Yo & Ever Fix & Flip Investment LLCSeller: Yo, Ever Fix and Flip Inv
853 Willow St.West Oakland, Oakland$310,000Property Tax: $4,306.68Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.39%Buyer: Washington Edward H. (trustee)Seller: Robert Washington (trustee)
6351 Fairlane DriveNorthwest Hills, Oakland$2,050,000Property Tax: $27,572.56Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.35%Buyer: Dones Alan E.Seller: Alan East Dones
4809 Walnut St.Central East, Oakland$618,000Property Tax: $3,589.34Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.58%Buyer: Thomas Charles H. and PaulineSeller: Charles H. Thomas
1915 Minturn St.Central Alameda, Alameda$1,260,000Property Tax: $1,701.54Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.14%Buyer: Apodaca Arlene (trustee)Seller: Anthony Guadelup Apodaca
1881 Del. Vaca WaySouth Livermore, Livermore$740,000Property Tax: $3,501.44Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.47%Buyer: Simoni Stuart and Sherri A. (trustees)Seller: Stuart Simoni (trustee)
2421 Webb Ave.Central Alameda, Alameda$1,200,000Property Tax: $4,303Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.36%Buyer: Andreatta Kimberly D., Wroebel S J. and C. E. (trustees)Seller: Siegfried Johann Wroebel
2915 55th Ave.Central East, Oakland$690,000Property Tax: $4,572.78Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.66%Buyer: Sharp JacklynSeller: Jacklyn Sharp
7101 Saroni DriveNorthwest Hills, Oakland$1,278,000Property Tax: $14,729.66Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.15%Buyer: Italiano Valerio and Bille Franck Y.Seller: Valerio Italiano
266 Appian WayEast Union City, Union City$1,405,000Property Tax: $10,530.62Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.75%Buyer: Flores Roberta and Miguel D. (and others)Seller: Roberta Flores
35572 Linda DriveNiles, Fremont$2,900,000Property Tax: $7,064.06Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.24%Buyer: Dgn Investment Corp.Seller: Dgn Investment Corp.
320 Lee St.Adams Point, Oakland$700,000Property Tax: $8,157.62Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.17%Buyer: Lee Su J. (trustee)Seller: Su Jin Lee (trustee)
27753 Hummingbird CourtGlen Eden, Hayward$740,000Property Tax: $2,796.38Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.38%Buyer: Estacio Alexander S. and Karen H.Seller: Alexander Sonza Estacio
8036 Viaduct ZapataWest Dublin, Dublin$1,298,000Property Tax: $2,101.86Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.16%Buyer: Williams Jennifer L.Seller: Jennifer L Williams
1444 El Padro DriveSouth Livermore, Livermore$1,245,000Property Tax: $5,734.48Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.46%Buyer: Crawford Allan F. (trustee)Seller: Allan F. Crawford (trustee)
337 Tippecanoe Ave.Fairway Park, Hayward$600,000Property Tax: $4,618.56Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.77%Buyer: Brnic Maria J. (trustee)Seller: Brnic Family Trust
3934 Vineyard Ave.South Pleasanton, Pleasanton$1,210,000Property Tax: $6,735.02Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.56%Buyer: Helmandi SameaSeller: Samea Helmandi
801 Franklin St.Downtown Oakland, Oakland$315,000Property Tax: $6,783.56Effective Property Tax Rate: 2.15%Buyer: TSE Wing K & James CSeller: Wing K TSE
341 Dana St.Mission San Jose, Fremont$1,650,000Property Tax: $6,911.02Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.42%Buyer: Wang Minwei A.Seller: Min Wei Albert Wang
5322 Yarmouth CourtThe Lake, Newark$1,600,000Property Tax: $7,795.8Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.49%Buyer: Tchaga Grigoriy S.Seller: Grigoriy S Tchaga
2500 Best Ave.Central East, Oakland$767,000Property Tax: $6,365.36Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.83%Buyer: Thompson Marjorie A. (trustee)Seller: Katherine Voyageur (trustee)
2940 Madera Ave.Central East, Oakland$525,000Property Tax: $8,582.74Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.63%Buyer: Freeman Megan E. and Galvan RoxannaSeller: Megan Galvan
10 Southwood CourtNorthwest Hills, Oakland$1,380,000Property Tax: $9,217.16Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.67%Buyer: Nowee Mary S.Seller: Mary Schofield Nowee
1727 Cedar St.Northbrae, Berkeley$1,460,000Property Tax: $3,886.94Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.27%Buyer: Richards Martha E. (trustee)Seller: Martha E. Richards (trustee)
3494 Deodara St.Central Downtown, Fremont$1,525,000Property Tax: $2,460.74Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.16%Buyer: Shah Chintan and KaushalSeller: Chintan Shah
4093 Alta CourtNorth Pleasanton, Pleasanton$550,000Property Tax: $1,877.48Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.34%Buyer: Kent E G. and Beverly C. (trustees)Seller: Beverly C. Kent (trustee)
3292 Greenwood DriveCenterville, Fremont$1,590,000Property Tax: $3,551.72Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.22%Buyer: Harman Lloyd J., Barbara T. and Craig J. (trustees)Seller: Barbara T. Harman (trustee)
4707 Sandyford CourtKomandorski Village, Dublin$1,015,000Property Tax: $7,985.98Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.79%Buyer: Qi KunxiangSeller: Kunxiang Qi
1037 Gomer St.Harder-Tennyson, Hayward$955,000Property Tax: $8,854.35Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.93%Buyer: Vo Van and Huynh Pham (and others)Seller: Thu Nguyen
17994 Firestone CourtSouth San Lorenzo, San Lorenzo$670,000Property Tax: $2,882.36Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.43%Buyer: Baptiste Enterprises LLCSeller: Baptiste Enterprises LLC
40180 Barbara St.Central Downtown, Fremont$900,000Property Tax: $1,754.14Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.19%Buyer: Winter Brandi N. (trustee)Seller: Brandi Nichole Winter (trustee)
271 Newton St.Whitman-Mocine, Hayward$950,000Property Tax: $6,526.14Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.69%Buyer: Mullins Sheldon L. and Lee A.Seller: Sheldon Louis Mullins
7766 Alto WayWest Dublin, Dublin$1,480,000Property Tax: $4,746.24Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.32%Buyer: Mowrer Sheridan E. (trustee)Seller: Zca Homes LLC
5411 Wadean PlaceCentral East, Oakland$565,000Property Tax: $5,195.56Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.92%Buyer: E & E Finance Inc.Seller: E & E Finance Inc.
6631 Pioneer LaneCentral Dublin, Dublin$485,000Property Tax: $6,676.36Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.38%Buyer: Levitsky ElliottSeller: Elliott Levitsky
48 Harlan St.Downtown San Leandro, San Leandro$735,000Property Tax: $5,461.09Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.74%Buyer: Prietodiaz Cynthia M.Seller: Cynthia M Prieto Diaz
5847 Nottingham DriveNorthwest Hills, Oakland$1,350,000Property Tax: $16,208.98Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.2%Buyer: Baushke Michael (trustee)Seller: Michael Baushke (trustee)
7738 Frederiksen LaneCentral Dublin, Dublin$1,275,000Property Tax: $9,305.4Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.73%Buyer: Bloomfield Charles W Jr. and Annette J. (trustees)Seller: Charles Walla Bloomfield
37778 Farwell DriveGlenmoor, Fremont$1,921,000Property Tax: $9,748.68Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.51%Buyer: Tran Hot V. & HOA H. (trustees)Seller: Hot V. Tran (trustee)
1618 Grand Ave.Piedmont North of Oakland Avenue, Piedmont$1,550,000Property Tax: $6,177.32Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.4%Buyer: Meredith Christine and Graser Phyllis (trustees)Seller: Christine Meredith (trustee)
2557 Harewood DriveNorth Livermore, Livermore$1,455,000Property Tax: $5,612.82Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.39%Buyer: Martin Sandra (trustee)Seller: Sandra Martin (trustee)
6109 Majestic Ave.Central East, Oakland$425,000Property Tax: $4,998.78Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.18%Buyer: Willis Idella F.Seller: Idella Francis Willis
2234 California St.Central Berkeley, Berkeley$1,765,000Property Tax: $4,423.18Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.25%Buyer: Uplift Visionaries Real Estate Group LLCSeller: Uplift Visionaries Real
5537 La Salle Ave.Northwest Hills, Oakland$2,400,000Property Tax: $18,470.7Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.77%Buyer: Goodstein Mitchell J. and Roberta M. (trustees)Seller: Mitchell J. Goodstein (trustee)
5799 Estates DriveNorthwest Hills, Oakland$1,000,000Property Tax: $2,669.32Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.27%Buyer: Franklin Alicia (trustee)Seller: Alicia Franklin (trustee)
39673 Banyan Tree Road28 Palms, Fremont$1,430,000Property Tax: $3,381.76Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.24%Buyer: Lacy Michael D. and Patricia A. (trustees)Seller: Michael D. Lacy (trustee)
210 Sequoyah View DriveSoutheast Hills, Oakland$1,150,000Property Tax: $13,879.34Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.21%Buyer: Smith Marjorie I.Seller: Marjorie I. Smith (estate)
2435 Almaden Blvd.Central Union City, Union City$1,601,000Property Tax: $5,157.62Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.32%Buyer: Zca Homes LLCSeller: Zca Homes LLC
6288 Wilma Ave.North Newark, Newark$800,000Property Tax: $4,757.76Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.59%Buyer: Latu Alifeleti P.Seller: Alifeleti P Latu